Meet Peace, this pretty black tri girl would be a great addition to an active family. She was born on 2/15/21. She weighs approximately 60 pounds so could shed a few to reach her ideal weight. She is spayed and up to date on her vaccinations as well as being on heart worm medication.
Peace knows sit, down, shake, and is partially trained in stay and come. She is house trained Her owner reports that she usually does well with other dogs, but would be better suited to share a home with a male dog. She is not acquainted with cats. Her owner reports that she is loyal, sweet, incredibly athletic and the smartest animal she has ever met. Peace is not crate trained and may jump on people when greeting. She is looking for a new home due to the owner’s long work hours.
Peace is located in Saugerties, NY. A physical fence is required. To apply to adopt Peace please complete an adoption application. Peace is on referral for ARPH and only those with an approved application will be put in contact with the owner. If already approved contact Pat (aussieresc @